An interactive animated web-documentary to help raise awareness on the matter of homelessness in Russia and bring people to understanding and empathizing with the homeless people.
This is a story of giving back the names to homeless people otherwise unknown and forgotten. We mostly just pass by when seeing homeless people in the street, paying no attention to them on purpose or subconsciously. For many, such a person - a person without a name - is a phantom unable to love, fight for life or make decisions. A person not worthy of compassion or respect. But Lilya, Roma, Esma, Raisa, and Zhenya - they loved, they fought, they suffered. They were human beings. And so we must remember them.
All the characters in the project are based on the recollections and memories of the volunteers of the Friends on the Street Foundation.

In 2018 ‘There once lived...’ was selected as one of three Digital Storytelling contest winners in the World Press Photo Innovative Storytelling category.

Production team
Illustrator: Polya Plavinskaya
Animator: Viktoriya Spiryagina
Text: Alexandra Koksharova
Sound: Alexander Khokhlov
Editor: Natalia Morozova
Corrector: Tamara Eidelman
Translation/adaptation: Alexandra Balchugova
Translation/adaptation: Joyce Kuaovi
Design: Aksana Zinchenko
Video: Philip Zadorozhny
Web development: Igor Sheko
Producer: Galina Mosalova
Project manager: Sergey Karpov

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