Le Royaume de Pierre D’angle (french) by Pascale Quiviger Samokat Publishing House, Russian Edition
Young Adult Book Cover Design
Graphic Novel Run Impossible Stay by Alexey Oleynikov Samokat Publishing House
Development of a book cover design concept from scratch for the anniversary series “Classics of Samokat”. Design is based on illustrations from the books.
Development of a book cover design concept from scratch for the anniversary series “Classics of Samokat”. Design is based on illustrations from the books.
Sans Foi Ni Loi (Without Faith or Law) by Marion Brunet Samokat Publishing House, Russian Edition
Young Adult Book Cover Design
Milly Vodovic by Nastasia Rugani Samokat Publishing House, Russian Edition
development of a book Cover design concept from scratch for the fiction series “Stories through the History”. Design is based on the portrets of the main characters from the books.
The List of Unspeakable Fears by J. Kasper Kramer Samokat Publishing House, Russian Edition